Black Walnut Crop Update: November 15, 2023

Posted November 16, 2023

The Black Walnut harvest is winding down. Most hullers are finished buying, sending inthe last of the nuts to the plant before the weather turns colder. Total purchases through Tuesday Nov. 14 are over 14 million pounds, which is aboutwhere we hoped it would be. We expect to end between 15 and 16 million pounds. […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update: October 26, 2023

Posted October 26, 2023

The Black Walnut Harvest is going strong!Warm fall weather is about to change, and many more nuts have fallen along withthe leaves. Most hulling stations report stronger activity this week. At this point, nearly 6 million pounds of wild Black Walnuts have been turned in,with 44% from Eastern areas (more than usual). As more nuts […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update: October 17, 2023

Posted October 18, 2023

The Black Walnut Harvest is really “picking up”! The first two weeks of the season were a little slow, as wild nuts stayed on treesthroughout much of the Midwest harvest area. Still, several operators reported goodactivity, especially over the weekend. And with nuts now beginning to fall, we expectthat activity to increase in the next […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update November 14, 2022

Posted November 17, 2022

The Black Walnut harvest is winding down and the last of the nuts are coming in to the plant.  Most hullers finish buying today as the weather turns colder – even with snow tonight in parts of the harvest area.  Total purchases through Monday Nov. 14 are almost 12 million pounds, which is a little […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update: October 4, 2022

Posted October 4, 2022

The Black Walnut Harvest is here! Beginning this week, over 180 hulling stations throughout Missouri and 12 other Midwestern states open to buy freshly-fallen Black Walnuts harvested by hand from thousands of people in rural areas.  Picking up the “cash on the ground” is a fall tradition in the Ozarks and other parts of the […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update: December 3rd, 2021

Posted December 6, 2021

The annual Black Walnut Harvest is complete, with a total of over 20 million pounds of wild nuts picked up by thousands of people in 12 states. The pace for the first two weeks was slow, as most nuts stayed on the trees. Then it picked up, even with a little rain in October, but with […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update: November 8th, 2021

Posted November 8, 2021

The Black Walnut Harvest is still going! The first weeks of the season were a little slow, as nuts stayed on trees and rain dampened the Midwest harvest area, but strong winds and cold air in late October brought down a lot of nuts so pickers have been more active lately. With several cool, nice fall […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update: October 15th, 2021

Posted October 15, 2021

The Black Walnut Harvest is really going! The first two weeks of the season were a little slow, as nuts stayed on trees and rain dampened the Midwest harvest area, but strong winds last weekend brought down a lot of nuts so pickers have been more active lately. With several clear, cool, nice fall days […]

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Black Walnuts: The Healthy Comfort Food

Posted October 8, 2021

“Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: You find the present tense, but the past perfect.” – Owens Lee Pomeroy No question that 2021 is a year of tension—and anxiety, uncertainty, and stress. So it’s no wonder people are turning to nostalgia laced comfort foods to find peace and pleasure. In the right measure, nostalgia has […]

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Black Walnut Crop Update: September 29th, 2021

Posted September 28, 2021

Black Walnut Harvest begins FRIDAY, October 1! Black Walnuts are beginning to fall all over the area, and this year they’re worth more than ever. To open the season, harvesters will be paid $20 per hundred pounds (after hulling)! This is a 25% increase from last year and the highest buying price in the 75 years that […]

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