Black Walnut Crop Update: November 15, 2023

Category Black Walnut Harvest Update | Posted November 16, 2023

The Black Walnut harvest is winding down. Most hullers are finished buying, sending in
the last of the nuts to the plant before the weather turns colder.

Total purchases through Tuesday Nov. 14 are over 14 million pounds, which is about
where we hoped it would be. We expect to end between 15 and 16 million pounds. Just
under 50% of the nuts came from Missouri and other states west of the Mississippi, as the
eastern areas had much better crops than last year. Quality of those Eastern nuts is good
as those states had plenty of moisture during the year and avoided the drought.

In this month of Thanksgiving, we’re thankful – for the wild, renewable produce of the
land, a true blessing from God. And for the thousands of people in 12 states who enjoyed
the fall weather, made memories and harvested the wild black walnuts. With this fall’s
harvest, we’ll have just enough nuts for our plant to process most of the coming year until
next fall’s crop is ready.

Now, on to the holiday baking season where Black Walnuts really shine in favorite dishes
— both traditional and creative. Truly, Black Walnuts are the BOLD, WILD walnut,
much different from regular walnuts. An essential flavor in holiday recipes.

A big THANK YOU to all those who are part of our Black Walnut family this year!