Black Walnut Harvest 2014 Offers Historic $14 Price

Posted October 1, 2014

STOCKTON, Missouri. It’s time to start picking up Black Walnuts-and a little incremental income. Starting in October, Black Walnuts are worth an all-timehigh price of $14 per hundred pounds (after hulling) for enterprising individuals who sell them at over 200 hulling sites in 11 states across the Midwest.

This year, Hammons Products Company is offering the top price ever for those who harvest and turn in Black Walnuts at the company’s network of local purchasing stations.This highestever $14 price is available beginning on October 1. The price could change later in the month, so harvesters are encouraged to get the nuts in after fall. The location of the nearest hulling site can be accessed here or by calling 1-888-429-6887.

Black Walnuts are an American tradition, for both the annual fall harvest and the bold-flavored nutmeats. The nuts grow wild across the Midwest and are hand-foraged before being bagged for Hammons Products Company of Stockton, Missouri. Black Walnuts are a “Wild Harvest of Bold, Rich Taste,” that’s a new discovery on many urban menus-and a well-loved tradition on countless family tables. October is National Black Walnut Month in celebration of the harvest and the array of foods enhanced by the rich flavor-from ice cream and baked goods to savory fare and chef-inspired creations. Unlike regular walnuts, the American Black Walnut is a highly sustainable wild crop, grown without the need for orchards or chemicals. For recipes, visit Harvesting, processing, distribution, and marketing of Black Walnuts is performed primarily by Hammons Products Company of Stockton, Missouri. The company is in its 68th year of operation.

For Information Contact:

Susan Zartman, Director of Marketing

Jacob Basecke, Sales Manager