Black Walnuts: Discover the bold, untamed taste with a story that's unlike any other.
Posted April 1, 2016
One of America’s oldest foods is now one of its hottest trends. As our appetites grow for ingredients that are natural, whole, non-GMO, and sustainable, Americans are discovering the unique narrative of Black Walnuts.
Black Walnuts were foraged by Native Americans even before the days of the early colonies. The nutrient-rich nuts continue to be a completely wild crop, hand-harvested each fall by locals across the heartland, American Black Walnuts have a rich, earthy flavor that’s derived from the roots of the tree-much in the same way the flavor of wine comes from the vineyard’s soil.
Unlike regular English walnuts, Black Walnuts grow without commercial orchards, chemicals, irrigation, or harmful impacts on the earth. Even the outer shell is repurposed for earth-friendly abrasive cleaners. Black Walnuts are 100% natural, sustainable, highly nutritious, and deeply rooted in American tradition.
Today’s top chefs love the unique taste and local heritage of wild Black Walnuts. Home chefs have loved the distinctive flavor in baking and recipes for generations.
Want to know more about the history, hand-harvesting, and recipe ideas for American Black Walnuts? Click here to learn more about Black Walnuts. And try our recipe for Black Walnut Wild Rice on your spring menu!
Hammons Products Company of Stockton, Missouri is the primary processor, distributor, and marketer of Black Walnuts. For additional images and videos, please click here.