Black Walnut Harvest Update - Final Days
Posted October 31, 2016
There is one week left to participate in the harvest of the Black Walnut crop. “All hulling locations will be open through Monday, November 7,” stated Brian Hammons of Hammons Products Company in Stockton. “We will continue to pass our historic high price of $15 per hundred weight after hulling,” added Hammons. It’s been a good harvest so far, and we’re hoping it becomes a great one.”
While thousands of people sold millions of pounds of wild Black Walnuts during October, the company estimates there are still over 5,000,000 pounds of Black Walnuts on the ground in Missouri. Landowners who need help in gathering the crop can contact a local FFA Chapter, as many as participating in a competition sponsored by Hammons. Hulling stations will continue to process and purchase Black Walnuts until close of business on Monday, November 7.
To find a hulling location, go here, or call 888-429-6887.